Rockwall Church Volunteer & Former Preschool Teacher Arrested on Child Sex Crime Charges: Meet Natalie Sorrells

    Rockwall Church Volunteer & Former Preschool Teacher Arrested on Child Sex Crime Charges: Meet Natalie Sorrells

    A church volunteer in Rockwall is at the focus of a criminal investigation, accused of aggravated sexual assault on a kid. Natalie Sorrells, a 44-year-old realtor and youth worker at Lakepointe Church, was detained on suspicion of atrocious actions against a minor.

    According to police records, Sorrells is suspected of two counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child and two acts of indecency with child sexual contact in Heath, which has left the town in shock and dismay. The charges, based on instances purportedly occurring outside of church grounds, have sent shockwaves through the close-knit community.

    Lakepointe Church quickly started to reassure its members and the general public about the situation. The church highlighted that no inappropriate activity occurred in its facilities and clarified that the minor involved was not directly supervised by Sorrells during her volunteer work.

    The church emphasized its commitment to safety and accountability by requiring all volunteers to go through rigorous screening processes such as security clearances, background checks, and thorough training programs. Despite these precautions, the alleged misbehavior has raised major concerns about the efficiency of such systems in protecting vulnerable congregation members.

    The arrest of Natalie Sorrells serves as a sobering reminder of the possible hazards that volunteer-based organizations face, necessitating a rethinking of existing safety protocols within religious groups. 

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