36-Year-Old Amanda Husk Denied Liver Transplant After Drinking While on Waitlist

    36-Year-Old Amanda Husk Denied Liver Transplant After Drinking While on Waitlist

    36-year-old Amanda Husk has been denied a life-saving partial liver transplant after doctors discovered she had been drinking while on the transplant waitlist, according to Daily Mail. Husk, who has struggled with alcoholism since her teenage years, had been on life support for the past three months due to liver failure and was in desperate need of an organ transplant.

    Amanda’s partner, Allen, had offered to be her donor, as his blood type matched hers. However, the medical team at University Health Network in Ontario refused the transplant request, citing her “minimal abstinence outside of the hospital.” This decision has sparked controversy and criticism, particularly from those familiar with similar cases.

    Debra Selkirk, whose husband Mark passed away in 2010 after being refused a liver transplant due to his alcoholism, voiced her disapproval. “In Nathan and Amanda’s case, you’re seeing someone being told, ‘You didn’t follow doctor’s orders, so we’re not going to help you. We’re going to let you die,’” she said.

    Husk had committed to entering an addiction program upon receiving her new liver, but her relapse has left her with only weeks to live, according to her doctors. Despite the refusal, Allen remains determined to save Amanda’s life. “I’ll do whatever it takes to get her the help she needs, just like the medical profession should be doing here,” he stated.

    Allen’s plan now involves trying to get Amanda to Europe, where a transplant might still be possible. However, the cost of the treatment, estimated at $300,000, and Amanda’s rapidly declining health pose significant challenges. “We were told last week that she has a couple of weeks left to live, maybe a month if she’s very lucky,” Allen revealed.

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