AOC Applauds FERC’s New Transmission Rule, Paving the Way for a Resilient Energy Future

    AOC Applauds FERC’s New Transmission Rule, Paving the Way for a Resilient Energy Future

    Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14), the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, recently praised the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) Grid Expansion Rule, citing its potential to strengthen the nation’s transmission grid.

    The recently adopted FERC rule aims to pave the way for a more robust transmission infrastructure, one that is resilient and capable of efficiently transmitting significant amounts of renewable energy across long distances.

    AOC stressed the crucial need for such improvements, citing the current system’s vulnerability to widespread power outages, which disproportionately affect communities in the Bronx, Queens, and elsewhere.

    The Congresswoman expressed her support for the FERC project and emphasized her and her colleagues’ efforts to advance bills such as the CHARGE Act and the Connect the Grid Act.

    These legislative initiatives have continuously pushed FERC to take action, recognizing the transmission system’s critical role in improving grid resilience and accelerating the national transition to renewable energy.

    The New York Congresswoman’s support for a more robust transmission system was evidenced in January 2024, when she joined 136 colleagues in a letter to FERC advocating the strengthening and finalization of proposed transmission planning and cost allocation guidelines.

    According to FERC, the final rule will impose new standards that will transform how transmission providers conduct long-term planning for regional transmission facilities and receive funding. This step is consistent with Ocasio-Cortez’s aim of speeding the renewable energy transition and strengthening grid resilience in the face of rising climate risks.

    AOC and Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) reintroduced the CHARGE Act in 2023, demonstrating their unwavering devotion to the cause. The act proposes a variety of FERC reforms to accelerate the transition to renewable energy by improving planning, openness, competitiveness, and transmission network supervision.

    Furthermore, Senators Ocasio-Cortez and Markey introduced the Connect the Grid Act in February 2024. This legislation directs the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) to build transmission infrastructure and integrate with the nation’s major electric grids, filling significant connectivity gaps and strengthening the overall grid network’s resilience.

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