PHOTO: German police officer, Rouven L, has passed away after being killed by Afghan immigrant, Sulaiman A, who stabbed him in the neck during Michael Stürzenberger attack in Mannheim, Germany


Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that German police officer, Rouven L, has passed away after being killed by Afghan immigrant, Sulaiman A, who stabbed him in the neck during Michael Stürzenberger attack in Mannheim, Germany.

The police officer who was attacked in the knife attack on Mannheim’s market square on Friday has died of his injuries. The Karlsruhe public prosecutor’s office, the Mannheim police headquarters and the State Criminal Police Office announced this on Sunday evening. 

The 25-year-old Afghan had stabbed the 29-year-old officer several times in the head area. “He underwent emergency surgery immediately after the incident and was placed in an artificial coma, but succumbed to his serious injuries in the late afternoon hours of June 2nd , ” it said . “We mourn the loss of a police officer who gave his life for our safety. “

There was a memorial ceremony at the crime scene on Sunday, where colleagues remembered the deceased.
Numerous politicians spoke out. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) said he was deeply shocked ” that the courageous police officer had succumbed to his serious injuries after the terrible attack in Mannheim . ” “His commitment to the safety of us all deserves the highest recognition. In these bitter hours, my thoughts are with his family and all those who mourn him.”

“The terrible news of the death of the police officer who was attacked in Mannheim is shocking, ” said Green Party leader Ricarda Lang. “My thoughts are with his family. We must be grateful for the work of police officers who protect us all at great personal risk. ” She added: “We must stand up to the enemies of freedom, whether they are Islamist or right-wing extremists. “


