Royal Palm Exceptional Center Teacher’s Assistant Faces Charges of Molesting 12-Year-Old Student

    Royal Palm Exceptional Center Teacher’s Assistant Faces Charges of Molesting 12-Year-Old Student

    Lauren King, a teacher’s aide at the Royal Palm Exceptional Center in Fort Myers, was arrested and accused of molesting and sexually assaulting a 12-year-old male student, according to Wink News.

    King, who is now being jailed on a $350,000 bond, appeared in court to answer the allegations. The judge overseeing the case voiced concern that there could be further victims, implying that this was not an isolated incident.

    According to police reports, the alleged abuse occurred over a one-month period in which King and the victim exchanged more than 4,000 text conversations. These conversations eventually led to King visiting the student outside of school hours, where the assault took place.

    The lawyer for the victim’s family published a statement condemning the Lee County school district, citing a systemic failure to protect pupils. The statement underlined the importance of schools as safe havens for children and chastised the administration for allowing a predator to enter such a vulnerable environment.

    The Lee County Public Schools responded to King’s arrest by stating that they do not accept such behavior and immediately removed her from school pending the conclusion of an inquiry. However, the event calls into question the district’s precautions and processes for safeguarding student safety.

    King would be compelled to wear a GPS monitor and be placed under house arrest, with limited exceptions for medical and legal appointments, as part of the terms of her probable bond release. She would also be prevented from communicating with youngsters.

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