7 Rules About SOLAR ENERGY SOFTWARE Meant To Be Broken

7 Rules About SOLAR ENERGY SOFTWARE Meant To Be Broken

Solar software only monitors energy production
Gone are the days when solar energy software was limited to monitoring energy
production alone. New software solutions incorporate comprehensive features that
go beyond just monitoring. From system design to financial analysis, solar energy
software provides a holistic approach to solar energy management. Users can now
analyse their energy consumption patterns, estimate savings, and make informed
decisions regarding their solar systems.

Solar software cannot integrate with other systems

Historically, solar software had limitations when it came to integration with other
systems. This rule is being broken as modern solar energy software offers seamless
integration with various systems and platforms. Whether it’s smart home devices,
energy management systems, or utility platforms, solar software can now
communicate and collaborate with other technologies, enhancing overall energy
efficiency and control.

Solar software lacks customer support

In the past, solar software users often felt stranded when it came to technical
support and assistance. This rule is being broken as software developers recognize
the importance of providing comprehensive customer support. From live chat
features to dedicated support teams, users can now seek assistance whenever they
encounter issues or have questions regarding their solar software.

Static Predictions:

The conventional approach involves static predictions based on historical data.
Breaking this rule involves incorporating real-time data and advanced analytics,
allowing for dynamic predictions that adapt to changing environmental conditions.
This flexibility enhances the accuracy of energy production forecasts.

Lack of Scalability

Breaking the rule of limited scalability in solar energy software can empower
businesses to expand their solar infrastructure without limitations. Scalable software
solutions allow for easy integration of additional solar panels, batteries, or energy

management systems. By breaking this rule, businesses can future-proof their solar
energy systems and adapt to growing energy demands.

Exclusive Expert Usage:

Solar energy software was once exclusive to experts in the field. Breaking this rule
involves designing user-friendly interfaces that empower a broader audience.
Democratising access to solar software fosters collaboration and innovation among
professionals and enthusiasts alike.

Solely Energy Production Focus:

The old rule limited solar software to energy production forecasts. Breaking this
barrier involves expanding the scope to include features such as asset management,
predictive maintenance, and grid integration. Solar software can now contribute to
the holistic management of solar projects.

Solely Energy Production Focus:

The old rule limited solar software to energy production forecasts. Breaking this
barrier involves expanding the scope to include features such as asset management,
predictive maintenance, and grid integration. Solar software can now contribute to
the holistic management of solar projects.


